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Quick Start

Add dependency#

Current version available in Sonatype OSS Maven Central is:

In Apache Maven add to your pom.xml:


For Gradle Kotlin DSL add to your build.gradle.kts:


For Gradle Groovy DSL add to your build.gradle:

implementation '${camunda-bpm-data.version}'

Declare process variable factories#

First you have to define your process variables, by providing the variable name and type. For providing the type, different convenience methods exist:

Here is an example in Java:

import static*;

public class OrderApproval {
  public static final VariableFactory<String> ORDER_ID = stringVariable("orderId");
  public static final VariableFactory<Order> ORDER = customVariable("order", Order.class);
  public static final VariableFactory<Boolean> ORDER_APPROVED = booleanVariable("orderApproved");
  public static final VariableFactory<OrderPosition> ORDER_POSITION = customVariable("orderPosition", OrderPosition.class);
  public static final VariableFactory<BigDecimal> ORDER_TOTAL = customVariable("orderTotal", BigDecimal.class);

Access process variables from Java Delegate#

If you want to access the process variable, call methods on the ProcessVariableFactory to configure the usage context, and then invoke the variable access methods.

Here is an example, how it looks like to access variable from JavaDelegate implemented in Java. In this example, the total amount is calculated from the amounts of order positions and stored in the process variable.

class JavaDelegates {

  public JavaDelegate calculateOrderPositions() {
    return execution -> {
      OrderPosition orderPosition = ORDER_POSITION.from(execution).get();
      BigDecimal oldTotal = ORDER_TOTAL.from(execution).getOptional().orElse(BigDecimal.ZERO);
      BigDecimal newTotal = oldTotal.add(orderPosition.getNetCost().multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(orderPosition.getAmount())));

Variable access from REST Controller#

Now imagine you are implementing a REST controller for a user task form which loads data from the process application, displays it, captures some input and sends that back to the process application to complete the user task. By doing so, you will usually need to access process variables. Here is an example:

public class ApproveOrderTaskController {

    private final TaskService taskService;

    public ApproveOrderTaskController(TaskService taskService) {
        this.taskService = taskService;

    public ResponseEntity<ApproveTaskDto> loadTask(@PathVariable("taskId") String taskId) {
        Order order = ORDER.from(taskService, taskId).get();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(new ApproveTaskDto(order));

    public ResponseEntity<Void> completeTask(@PathVariable("taskId") String taskId, @RequestBody ApproveTaskCompleteDto userInput) {
        VariableMap vars = builder()
            .set(ORDER_APPROVED, userInput.getApproved())
        taskService.complete(taskId, vars);
        return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();